Saturday, October 13, 2007


If talk of tobacco use bothers you then you may want to skip this post and check back in a couple of days.

Remember when one could actually buy cigarettes right on Main Street U.S.A.? Prior to its closing in 1985, and its subsequent move across the street to a tiny corner of the Smucker's store, there was actually an entire store right on Main Street devoted almost completely to the sale of tobacco products. It was called "Tobacconist." I wasn't old enough to buy cigarettes then, but I do remember walking through the shop more than once when it was open. I did, however, buy cigarettes at the new location across the street after it moved (I wasn't actually old enough at the time, but they didn't seem too worried about seeing an ID). One of the other things that I remember was the sight of people walking around freely in Walt Disney World lighting up everywhere. Let me also say that as a smoker I never did much approve of this practice. I always tried to get off to the side where my smoking wouldn't bother anyone, but it was nice to not have to walk a country mile just to find a place to have a quick smoke.

Anyway, enough about the reminiscing and talking about touchy subjects. The whole reason for this entry is that I was looking through the old collection again and ran across these:

These used to be widely available all across Walt Disney World, and each matchbook design was specific to where it was available. I'm sure I have plenty more hanging around somewhere but I just need to find them. The cool thing is that all four of these have never had a match used out of them, and they're still in great shape. I really believe that these are a part of Disney history that many people would like to forget about, but it did happen, and now we have some great pieces of Disneyana to show for it.

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